Home Remedies for Hair Fall
Best Home Remedies for Hair Fall. To stop hair fall or hair loss apply this home remedies and get solution quickly. onion oil for hair is the best home remedies for hair fall.
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Home Remedies for Hair Fall
Hair fall problem has become a common problem. It is very important to treat it as soon as possible. Nowadays the lifestyle and food habits of people have become so bad that it directly affects the hair. Due to pollution from above and the chemicals of hair products also affect the hair, which later becomes the cause of hair loss. You guys can try home remedies for hair fall related problem.
If the hair is falling due to common reasons, then home remedies are very useful. The longer you delay in taking measures or treatment to prevent hair loss, the faster the hair fall will occur. In fact, people ignore the problem of hair fall first, so it is not treated at the right time. Measures to prevent hair fall Hair loss remedies (baal jhadne ke upay) need to be adopted as soon as possible. Due to untimely hair loss, people start looking older than their age, so people also come under a lot of stress.
Therefore, it is important to find out about the causes of hair fall before taking hair loss medicine or home remedies. When you come to know about the cause of hair fall then you will be able to take the right measures to prevent hair fall.
What is hair Loss?
Hair fall has become a common problem nowadays. Every other person is facing this problem. Many people’s hair falls so prematurely that they have to undergo hair transplant treatment (balo ka ilaj). When hair fall starts increasing little by little, then there is a situation of baldness. Normally 50 to 100 hairs fall out almost every day, if more hair falls than this then it is a matter of baldness. Trying home remedies to stop hair fall before the stage of baldness gives the right results.
But do you know that there are two types of hair fall or baldness. By the way, the problem of hair fall usually starts after the age of 30. In men, this problem is called male pattern baldness.
In women (Androgenetic Alopecia) is called (female pattern baldness) in women suffering from this problem, the hair of the whole head is reduced but the hairline does not recede. It rarely causes complete baldness in women.
Causes of Hair fall
The common causes of hair fall are: – Imbalanced diet plan, wrong lifestyle, heredity ie herdiatory, side effects of medicines etc. Let us know about more such reasons-
Hair loss is a normal process after two or three months of prolonged illness or major surgery or surgery, severe infection or infection and physical stress.
It can also happen after a sudden change in hormone levels, especially in women after giving birth to a baby.
Due to side effects of medicines.
Hair loss can also occur as a symptom of some disease such as thyroid, imbalance in sex hormones or serious nutritional problem especially deficiency of protein, zinc, biotin. This deficiency occurs when there is a lot of bleeding in the menstrual cycle in women who abstain from food and drink.
If the scalp gets infected with fungus, then there is hair fall in between.
Hereditary baldness or if someone in the lineage is bald, it can be inherited.
According to Ayurveda, there are many other reasons for hair fall. According to Ayurveda, pitta mixed with vata causes hair to fall into the hair follicles, and phlegm mixed with blood eventually clogs the hair follicles so that no other hair grows in that area.
Along with this, there is not one reason for hair fall but there are many reasons, such as excessive consumption of salt leads to baldness. And stress, infection, hormone imbalance, inadequate nutrition, lack of vitamins and nutrients, side effects of medicines, carelessness or improper hair care, use of wrong type of shampoo.
Home remedies for hair fall and hair growth
Even against diet, bile-enhancing diet, inferior diet, false and excessive yoga, sleep, celibacy, polluted water occur. Whatever be the reason for hair fall, if the right home remedy is tried in every reason, then new hair growth (baal jhadne se rokne ke upay) can happen.
Apart from this, according to modern science, these reasons can also be due to hair loss-
- Fungal infection.
- Vitamin A overdose.
- Thyroid.
- Psychological stress.
- Radiotherapy or chemotherapy.
- Regular use of steroids.
But if you become aware in time and try the home remedies along with taking the right treatment, then hair fall can be reduced.
Remedies to stop hair fall
So far we have talked about why hair falls but how to stop them from falling (hair fall control), there should be information about it. For example, instead of consuming junk food, eat more fruits and vegetables. To avoid the problem of hair fall, it is also necessary to adopt a good lifestyle along with food and drink.
The problem of hair loss can be prevented by reducing stress, taking proper diet, adopting proper hair grooming techniques and if possible using anti-hair fall medicines. Some cases of hereditary baldness can be prevented with the help of medicines.
Home Remedies for Hair Fall Treatment
Home remedies are generally adopted to get relief from hair fall. These contain things that are easily found in the house or are easy to use. Let us know about them in detail.
Onion juice: Home Remedies for Hair Fall Control
Massage your scalp by applying garlic juice, onion juice or ginger juice. Do this process before sleeping and wash your hair thoroughly in the morning. Onion juice contains sulfur content, which promotes the production of collagen present in the tissue. The use of onion as a hair loss medicine prevents hair fall.
(balo ko jhadne se rokne ke upay).
To stop hair fall, massage with oil (Oil massage : Home Remedies for Hair Fall Control)
Take any natural oil like olive oil, coconut oil or canola oil. Warm it lightly and massage your scalp with this oil daily. After the massage, put on a shower cap on the head and wash it off with shampoo after about an hour. As a remedy to prevent hair fall, treating with oil (hair fall control) is very beneficial.
Head massage should be done for a few minutes every day, it helps in accelerating the blood flow to the head as well as the hair follicles are also active. Hair fall can be stopped if the scalp is massaged properly.
Almond oil is also very useful in preventing hair fall. According to experts, if your hair is falling due to being dry and lifeless, then massage the scalp with almond oil. It removes dryness of hair and reduces hair fall.
Check this : Best Herbal hair oil.
When should I go to the doctor?
Hair loss is a common disease, but when its symptoms become complicated, and 50 to 100 hairs start falling, then it is a serious condition. In such a situation, do not use any hair loss medicine or hair loss remedies (baal jhadne ke upay) on your own. You consult a doctor. Hair fall can be prevented by taking the right treatment at the right time.