onion juice for hair how many days

Onion Juice For Hair How Many Days

Onion Juice For Hair Growth in How Many days

In how many days does onion juice make hair growth? Onion Juice For Hair How Many Days? Onion oil benefits. Onion oil for hair growth faster.

Also read: 5 Steps To Use Onion Oil For Hair Growth & Benefits & Side Effects.

Onion juice for hair how many days?

Onion juice is the best hair product. It helps to hair growth faster. So people always use to ask onion oil for hair growth takes how many days exactly to grow hair or regrow hair? That’s also Onion Juice For Hair How Many Days? So you know  Onion juice is the best hair product, Onion has anti-bacterial properties, the presence of sulfur nourishes the hair

Onion is one of the best hair products available at home. However, often people do not like it due to its bad smell and tears coming in the eyes when it bites. But do you know that onion is very helpful in removing various types of hair problems like hair fall and dandruff.

The sulfur present in onions nourishes the hair roots, which helps in hair growth. That’s why many people apply onion juice to increase the length of the hair. Due to the anti-bacterial properties present in onion, applying its juice to the hair helps in preventing hair fall, removing dandruff and scalp infections etc.

This home remedy works wonderfully to make hair shiny and strong. If you also want your hair to be healthy, shiny and long, then you can use a hair pack made from onion juice. Let us know through this article, about some such easy-to-make onion packs.

Onion Juice For Hair How Many Days

Onion juice

After extracting the juice of onion, apply it on the scalp, and leave it for 25-30 minutes. Also, wrap the towel over your head so that the hair follicles absorb it. Then wash the hair thoroughly with shampoo.

Beer with onions 

Beer makes your hair shiny naturally. Mixing onion juice in beer and applying it, along with hair growth, also conditions the hair. To increase the hair, do this remedy twice in a week.

Onion and Coconut Oil

Onion juice mixed with oil enhances hair growth and nourishes the hair. Mix onion juice with oil and massage it into the hair. Then wrap a towel and inhale the steam. This remedy removes dead skin cells from the scalp, which increases hair growth.

Honey with onion

This is a very effective home remedy for hair growth. To make this pack, make a paste of onion and mix a few drops of honey in it. Apply this paste on the part of the hair where there is less hair.

Lemon with onion

The use of lemon and onion juice also helps in treating dandruff along with hair growth. Lemon juice cleanses the scalp and also reduces hair fall.

Onion and Egg Whites

Everyone probably knows that egg is very beneficial for hair. A hair pack made of onions and eggs is very beneficial for people who want long hair. To make this pack, mix the white part of the egg in the onion juice. Then apply this pack on your wet hair for 25-30 minutes and shampoo it.

Also check this : Best Hair Fall Control Oil And Shampoo In India.


Onion Juice For Hair How Many Days. By using a hair pack made from onion juice, you can easily make hair long, thick and shiny. Also, by applying it, the length of the hair will increase and the hair will fall very less. But while using these remedies, keep one thing in mind that try only one remedy at a time.

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